Alumni Association History
A group of Charlton-Pollard Alumni met in the home of Mrs. Novella Lumbert at 7:00 PM on the above date. Mrs. Novella, who served as presiding officer, called the meeting to order. Prayer by Alice Jefferson-Taylor.
Opening remarks by Mrs. Novella were as follows: In June, 1977 the Northern California Class of 1937 hosted their class 40th reunion in San Francisco, CA. Several of their former teachers were invited to attend. Those in attendance were she and Mrs. Cassie Taylor. They asked her when she returned to Beaumont to organize a Charlton-Pollard Alumni Association. Their reason for the request was that there were many Beaumonters who would like to return to Beaumont for a visit every now and again, but no longer had relatives or friends living in Beaumont to visit. They thought that an Alumni Association would be the thing to bring former Beaumonters home again.
After much thought she decided to get things started by calling a meeting in her home of as many Charlton-Pollard graduates as possible. She stated that the first graduating class was in 1901 with two graduates, namely, T. L. Anderson and George Douglas, and in 1981 would be the 80th anniversary of graduates from Charlton-Pollard High School. She also stated we should try to make this the biggest and grandest affair ever and in order to do so we would have to start making plans to accomplish this.
Mrs. Novella stated that we would elect temporary officers today and elect officers when there were more Charlton-Pollard graduates.
First in order, chairperson: names submitted were Edna Joseph, Alice Jefferson-Taylor and Margerine Monroe. Margerine Monroe and Edna Joseph declined because of personal reasons. It was moved by Edna Joseph and seconded by Mamie Etta Goodman that Alice Jefferson-Taylor would serve as a chairperson. The vote was carried.
Secretary: It was moved by Mrs. Novella and seconded by Edna Joseph and Mamie Etta Goodman that Mavis Wilson would serve as secretary. The vote was carried unanimously.
Publicity Chairman: It was moved by Mrs. Novella and seconded by Helen Richardson that C. C. Butler would be publicity chairperson, Doris Williams as co-chairman of publicity, and Edna Joseph a member of the committee. The vote was carried.
Telephone committee: It was moved by Mrs. Novella and seconded by Mamie Etta Goodman that Stella Malonson would be the telephone committee chairperson, Electra Durden and Alice Jefferson-Taylor members. The vote was carried unanimously.
It was suggested that we would meet each 3rd Wednesday of the month for one (1) hour, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM and that each class would have at least (3) representatives present to keep the other informed.
Frank Comeaux and Alice Jefferson-Taylor would secure a place for our next meeting which would be held the 3rd Wednesday in September. Newsletters would be sent to each class president. In our September meeting eachperson present would make a financial contribution to purchase needed supplies, such as stamps, paper, etc.
Margerine Monroe, Mrs. Novella, and Mavis Wilson would get together to draft a newsletter to be sent to as many class representatives as possible, as to the time and place of our September meeting.
Things to think about for discussion:How many days will the reunion celebration consist of? Frank Comeaux suggested five (5) or six (6) days, beginning with a public meeting and a Memorial Service on Sunday.
Mrs. Novella suggested a bus trip to Galveston, NASA, and the Astro Dome and for the public meeting and Memorial Service to have dynamic speakers for each meeting, all should be a graduate of Charlton-Pollard High School.
All graduates, especially out of town graduates, would be notified as early as possible about the reunion so that they can take their vacation at that time to attend. July was the month suggested.
There were nineteen (19) class representatives present:
Falonia McDonald, 1932
C. C. Butler, 1932
Helen Richardson, 1941
Albert Robinson, 1941
Doris Williams, 1947
Frank Comeaux, 1947
Stella Malonson, 1942
Clanthia Jones, 1942
Electra Durden, 1930
Alice Jefferson-Taylor, 1930
Mavis Williams, 1939
Clifford Mollette, 1939
Novella Lumbert, 1919
Mamie Etta Goodman, 1949
Edna Joseph, 1949
Margerine Monroe, 1928
Flora Rodgers, 1937
Velma Mack, 1937
Louis J. Mack, Sr., 1937
The meeting was adjourned. Our hostess served a delicious repast while we visited with each other.
Recorder, Mavis Wilson
Chairperson, Alice Jefferson-Taylor
President, Alice Jefferson-Taylor
1st Vice President, Joe West
2nd Vice President, Rose Lee Johnson
Recording Secretary, Mavis Wilson
Assistant, Julia Levy
Corresponding Secretary, Michael Rylas
Financial Secretary, Edna Joseph
Treasurer, Margerine Monroe ‘28
Assistant Treasurer, Willie Johnson
Chaplain, Rev. Theodore Twiggs
Business Manager, Frank Comeaux
Assistant Manager, Robert Carey
Public Relations Director, Audrey Thompson
Sgt. At Arms, Sylvester Payne