Constitution and By-Laws
Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the Charlton-Pollard High School Alumni Association.
Section 1 School Colors - Royal Blue and white
Section 2 Non-profit Organization
Section 3 Motto: If you want the job done right, DO it with the mighty blue and white; remember it takes each and everyone of us to make Charlton-Pollard great.
Section 4 School Fight Song: "OH CHARLTON-POLLARD"
Article II: Mission Statement
- The purpose of this organization shall be:
- To provide good relationships among members of the organization.
- To perpetuate the name of Charlton-Pollard High School and the philosophy under which the school was organized and operated.
- To serve as a Parent Body to support individual class organizations, to stimulate, encourage, and otherwise promote the organizing of classes, and to encourage and assist classes in maintaining a permanent organization.
- To create among members an awareness of the needs of the community as a whole and to do something about them, and visit a church(selected by a drawing) once a year.
Article III: Membership
Section 1 Graduates and former students of Charlton-Pollard High School are eligible to become members of this association.
Section 2 Former teachers and administrators of Charlton-Pollard High School are eligible for Honorary membership.
Section 3 Non-alumni are eligible to become Associate members.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1 The Charlton-Pollard Alumni Association shall be governed by the elected officers. The elected Officers of this association shall be:
President | 1st Vice President | 2nd Vice President |
Recording Secretary | Assistant Recording Secretary | Financial Secretary |
Assistant Financial Secretary | Corresponding Secretary | Treasurer |
Assistant Treasurer | Chaplain | Assistant Chaplain |
Business Manager | Assistant Business Manager | Sergeant-at-Arms |
Parliamentarian | Public Relations Director | Assist. Public Relations Director |
Duties of Officers
PRESIDENT - The president shall preside at the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, call special meetings, and appoint Standing and Special Committees.
Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. President shall have basic knowledge of Parliamentary Law and the organization’s By-Laws.
He/She also organizes, delegates, and supervises but does not interfere and is always impartial. He/She shall respresent association at any functions with or without business manager.
The President shall have all the general powers and duties that are incident to the office of president.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - The president shall preside at the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, call special meetings, and appoint Standing and Special Committees.
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT – Shall in the absence of the First Vice-President and the President perform the duties of the President.
Shall also serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee. He/She shall ensure all paid members receive information regarding membership.
RECORDING SECRETARY – Shall be responsible for the creation of all minutes for both board and membership meetings. The Secretary should also keep records of recommendations and, if permitted by the Bylaws and other Association governing documents, decisions by committees created by the board and attend all other duties usually assigned to this office.
ASSISTANT RECORDING SECRETARY – Shall perform the duties of the Recording Secretary in his/her absence.
TREASURER – Shall have charge of all funds belonging to the Association and shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
Shall expend money by check, which has been co-signed by the President and Treasurer or Assistance Treasurer and Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall read and file a monthly written report at each regular meeting, covering the period from the last meeting. The Treasurer should
ensure that proper records are kept and any recommendations for the budget are reasonable.
ASSISTANT TREASURER - Shall perform all duties of the treasurer in his/her absence. Shall assist with collection of monies at each meeting.
FINANCIAL SECRETARY - Shall record, collect and ensure all monies paid by alumni is accurate before handing over to treasurer. A receipt must be written and kept of file. All monies paid must have corresponding report with name, any address correction and graduating year included. Report must be given to website support to post in a timely manner. email to j_hughes@sbcglobal.net
ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY - Shall perform all duties of the Financial Secretary in his/her absence and assist with written reports, writing receipts, etc. when needed.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Shall collect data and create newsletter when deemed necessary by Alumni. She/He shall be responsible for printing and mailing of newsletter and to the best of her/his ability ensure that all mailing addresses are correct.
ASSISTANT CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Shall check mail box for correspondence, make sure treasurer gets all bills, read all correspondence to body after making president aware of it, and send cards/flowers for benevolence. He/She shall also assist corresponding secretary when requested.
PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER - Shall handle the external face of the association to the media, community and other sectors of society. He/She shall also be resposible for mitigating any negative public reaction. Public relations manager also work to market association at public events when needed.
ASSISTANT PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER - Shall assist Manager when needed and act in his/her absence.
BUSINESS MANAGER - Shall be responsible for directing resources in the most efficient manner with VENDORS for reunion and any other venture decided upon by the body. He/She shall plan and organize functions/resources to advance toward goals of association
CHAPLAIN - Shall facilitate the spiritual health and growth association in prayer and supplication at each meeting.
ASSISTANT CHAPLAIN - Shall act in absence and/or along with Chaplain in each meeting
SGT. AT ARMS - Shall be responsible to maintain order within the association at all times. He/she shall make sure all members maintain proper composure and adhere to bylaws while speaking.
Article V: Election
Section 1
The officers of this association shall be elected every three years. The nominating committee shall consist of nine members in good financial standing and they must have individually registered and paid for the previous reunion, attended meetings and other alumni activities. These nine members will be selected from the years listed: 1 (30’s), 2 (40’s), 2 (50’s), 2 (60’s), 2 (70’s), by the alumni executive board. The alumni executive board will appoint the committee's chairman and ensure that individual have a basic knowledge of parliamentary law and the organization's constitution and by-laws. The alumni president will not serve as an ex-officio member of the nominating committee. The nominating committee will prepare and recommend a slate of candidates. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. The candidate must be individually registered and all dues paid, for the reunion. A candidate must also be in good financial standing and have attended regular general meetings and other alumni activities. Officers shall be selected by secret ballot. Members of the association in good financial standing shall be eligible to vote in the election of officers. No officer shall serve two consecutive terms in the same position. The slate shall be presented in October following the previous reunion. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at this time. Voting will be in November and newly elected officers will take office in January.
Section 2
Ballots are not allowed in the general assembly.
All ballots should be numbered and accounted for, even the unused ballots.
A current list of members qualified to vote should be on-site.
Unofficial ballots are not allowed in the building.
No electioneering in the building where the election is taking place.
Verified ballots should be placed in secure/locted receptacle.
Section 3
Election Committee shall consist of members appointed by the executive committee and are not candidates.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1
Regular Meeting: This association shall hold regular meetings on the third Thursday of designated months unless otherwise specified. ( or each month)
Section 2
Special Meeting: The president has the authority to call special meetings. Seven(7) or more members may request, in writing, a special meeting. Such members must be in good standing in order to request the meeting.
Section 3
No person shall speak more than two (2) minutes after having been recognized by the chair-person . Such member cannot speak again on the same subject until all those waiting to speak have had a chance to speak.
Article VII: Amendment
The Constitution and By-Laws of this association may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (B) vote of the members present, provided the amendment proposed has been presented in writing to the President at a previous meeting and given to the by-laws committee. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association shall include the date(s) of revision printed within this document.
Article I: Committees
Section 1
Committees shall be of two kinds: Standing and Special.
Section 2
The Standing Committee shall be: Executive Committee (consisting of the President and all other Officers of the organization). This committee has the authority to discharge business between meetings, but cannot supercede actions taken by the organization. Any member wishing to address the Executive Board must submit a written request to the president. Upon approval, that member will be allowed to attend the Executive Board meeting.
Section 3
Financial Committee: consists of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, and one Trustee. All outstanding bill should be paid no later than the regularly scheduled meeting in September. This committee shall assemble and present all books to be audited no later than the regularly scheduled meeting in October.
Section 4
Activity Committee : consists of the 1st Vice President as Chairperson and two (2) members appointed by the President.
Section 5
Membership Committee and Hospitality Committee : consist of the 2nd Vice President as Chairperson and six (6) members appointed by the President.
Section 6
Benevolence Committee : shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President.
Section 7
The President shall appoint special committees.
Article II: Quorum
A quorum of all meetings of the Association shall consist of at least fifteen of the active members in good standing.
Article III: Dues
Section 1
Yearly dues shall be paid by March 31 of each year. The amount of dues is determined by the members with a majority approval.
Section 2
All executive board members and Board of Trustees must have three(3) years dues paid within three (3) months of their election or appointment.
Article IV: Financial Responsibility
Section 1
The Treasurer and any other person who handles alumni funds shall be bonded in an amount not to exceed $100,000
Article V: Authority
Board of Trustees
- The Charlton-Pollard Alumni Association Board of Trustees shall consist of the Treasurer from the previous year and all former Alumni Association Presidents (who are not current office holders).
- The Board of Trustees will have the authority to handle all of the Alumni Association's major legal matters, in accordance with the body. All Board of Trustees members retain the right to resign from the board to run for an elective office.
Academic Award
Students enrolled in a BISD High School will be considered for the academic award. Said students (a male and a female) must complete a school scholarship folder. Consideration will be based on moral character, academic excellence, and financial need. The alumni President or designee will present the academic award at the school's award program. The actual monies will be presented upon receipt of a letter of registration from the accredited College , University or Technical School.
Church Services
- A $100.00 donation will be presented at the Alumni Association’s worship service once a year. The church will be determined by random drawing of interested alumni members.
- The church worship service choice for a calendar year cannot be in the selection process the next calendar year.
- Ads will only be purchased from classes and other alumni organizations.
- Class Ads: submit a formal Class Letter Request to the Alumni Association listing the event, prices, etc.
- Alumni Organizations: submit a formal request in writing to be reviewed by the Executive Board and presented to the Body.
- Refunds will be made if an emergency occurs before the reunion. A letter must be submitted to the executive board who will determine eligibility.
- Refunds will be made after the end of the Reunion event. July 19, 2014(addition)
Complimentary Hotel Room Order of Occupancy to be distributed by availability:
- President
- Registration
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary
- Business Manager
- Recording Secretary
- Tee-Shirt Committee Chairperson
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Hospitality
- Assistant Treasurer
- Assistant Financial Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Assistant Corresponding Secretary
- Assistant Business Manager
- Sargeant-At-Arms
- Public Relation
- Assistant Public Relations
- Chaplain
- Assistant Chaplain
- Parlimentarian.
“You must be an active executive board member in order to get a room”. added January 2011