Mass Reunion
Theme Contest
Theme - Calling All Creatives. Design the Theme for the 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion! Get your creative juices flowing. We are searching for the perfect theme to capture the spirit of our 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion.
Submit your most inspired idea by June 19,2025 CPHS via email to Faye S Johnson at fayej3940@att.net or mailed to P O Box 21861 Beaumont Texas 77720, The selected theme designer will receive a free room night at the Elegante during the reunion.
Registration Information
Registration Fee Deadlines:
- Early Registration (until July 31, 2025): $130.00
- Regular Registration (August 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026): $150.00
- Late Registration (June 1, 2026 and onward): $175.00
Room Reservations: Call Paige Dugas at 409-617-0604
REMINDER: Dues and registration must be paid before you can reserve your spot at the reduced rate. Free breakfast for paid guests (up to 4 each in the room).
Schedule of Events
Date | Event | Committee Chair |
Sunday, July 19, 2026 | Gospel Extravaganza | Johnny Beatty |
Thursday-Sunday | Vendors | Jackie Hughes/Diane Servance |
Thursday, July 23, 2026 | Pep Rally | Deborah Jones & Mary Saveat |
Thursday, July 23, 2026 | T-Shirt Dance | Class of '63 |
Friday, July 24, 2026 | Game Day (11am-1pm) Dominoes, Bid Whist, Ping-Pong, Karaoke |
Friday, July 24, 2026 | Bulldog Trivia (2pm-4pm) | TBD |
Friday, July 24, 2026 | Banquet (including classes celebrating reunions) | Class of '72 |
Saturday, July 25, 2026 | Parade | Judge D. Jones |
Saturday, July 25, 2026 | Brunch (11am-2pm) | Class of '74 |
Saturday, July 25, 2026 | Blue/White Dance (8pm-12am) | TBD |
Sunday, July 26, 2026 | Memorial/Farewell Luncheon | TBD |
Volunteers Needed!
We still need chairpersons, soloists, CPHS Choir members, and a Minister (Sunday Speaker) - all should be CPHS Alumni who are paid participants in the 2026 Mass Reunion. Please contact fayej3940@att.net (fayej3940@att.net) or Mary Matthews for additional information.
Registration Committee: Class of 1965
2025 CPHS Mass Reunion Committee
P.O. Box 21861, Beaumont, Texas 77720
Email: fayej3940@att.net