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Welcome To Bulldog Country, On-Line!
Hi everyone,
The next scheduled CPHS ALUMNI Meeting is Thursday, APRIL 17, 2025 at The American Legion Hall #817 at 6pm located at 3430 W. Cardinal Dr. Board meeting at 5pm. Zoom capability available.
Reunion Dates July 19 through July 25, 2026. $130 if paid on or before JULY 31st, 2025;$150.00 if paid AUGUST 1, 2025 - May 31st, 2026; $175 if paid on or after June 1, Dues are $25 a year
Design the Theme for the 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion!Get your creative juices flowing. We R searching for the perfect theme to capture the spirit of our 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion. Submit your most inspired idea by 060925 to Faye Johnson fayej3940@att.net
ROOM RESERVATIONS Call Paige Dugas at 409 617 0604 REMEMBER dues and registration must be paid before you can reserve your spot at the reduced rate. Free breakfast for paid guests up to 4 each in the room.
Registration Committee -Class of 1965. Vendors - Jackie Hughes. Sunday Gospel Extravaganza - Johnny Beatty. Thursday Pep Rally - Mary Saveat and Deborah Jones. T shirt Dance-Class of 63
Friday - Game Day-11am-1pm with dominoes, Bid Whist, Pingpong and Karaoke. 2pm to 4pm Bulldog Trivia 2pm-4pm. 8-12pm Banquet with classes celebrating reunions recognized- class of 72
Saturday Parade-Judge D. Jones. Brunch 11am-2pm Class of 1974. Blue/White Dance 8-12pm. SUNDAY Memorial/Farewell Luncheon. CONTACT FAYE JOHNSON OR MARY MATTHEWS FOR INFORMATION REGARDING VOLUNTEERING.
Reunion Dates July 19 through July 25, 2026. $130 if paid on or before JULY 31st, 2025;$150.00 if paid AUGUST 1, 2025 - May 31st, 2026; $175 if paid on or after June 1, Dues are $25 a year
Design the Theme for the 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion!Get your creative juices flowing. We R searching for the perfect theme to capture the spirit of our 2026 CPHS Mass Reunion. Submit your most inspired idea by 060925 to Faye Johnson fayej3940@att.net
ROOM RESERVATIONS Call Paige Dugas at 409 617 0604 REMEMBER dues and registration must be paid before you can reserve your spot at the reduced rate. Free breakfast for paid guests up to 4 each in the room.
Registration Committee -Class of 1965. Vendors - Jackie Hughes. Sunday Gospel Extravaganza - Johnny Beatty. Thursday Pep Rally - Mary Saveat and Deborah Jones. T shirt Dance-Class of 63
Friday - Game Day-11am-1pm with dominoes, Bid Whist, Pingpong and Karaoke. 2pm to 4pm Bulldog Trivia 2pm-4pm. 8-12pm Banquet with classes celebrating reunions recognized- class of 72
Saturday Parade-Judge D. Jones. Brunch 11am-2pm Class of 1974. Blue/White Dance 8-12pm. SUNDAY Memorial/Farewell Luncheon. CONTACT FAYE JOHNSON OR MARY MATTHEWS FOR INFORMATION REGARDING VOLUNTEERING.